What happens at La Leche League Series Meetings?
La Leche League (LLL) meetings are ideal for learning from and making friends with other families. These meetings provide time for parent-to-parent sharing in a friendly and accepting atmosphere. The informal meetings are attended by expectant, new and experienced parents and their babies
Most Groups rotate through a series of breastfeeding topics; however, every meeting is different and the questions of the attendees, particularly those who are pregnant or have new babies, are always given top priority.
Who runs the Series Meetings?
All meetings are facilitated by one or more La Leche League Leaders.
LLL Leaders are parents who have breastfed their own babies and been trained and accredited by La Leche League International to offer information and support to other breastfeeding, chestfeeding, and human milk feeding families.
Some of us have newborns and toddlers ourselves, while others have been helping parents breastfeed for decades. Since we’re volunteers, we weave our LLL work into the rhythm of our family and professional lives.
We’re available to answer your questions via phone, email, or support group meetings.
What information is discussed at Series Meetings?
We rotate through a series of four topics:
- The Advantages of Breastfeeding
- The Baby Arrives: The Family and the Breastfed Baby
- Overcoming Challenges and Avoiding Difficulties
- Nutrition and Weaning
Titles may vary in some Groups. Since we are all expanding our knowledge of parenting and family life, no two series of meetings are exactly alike. Please join us for more than one series.
Do I have to join LLL to attend meetings or receive support?
No, you do not have to join LLL to attend meetings. LLL meetings are free. If you enjoy them and find them helpful, we hope you will choose to support LLL by becoming a member of your local Group.
Can I bring my baby/children to the meeting?
Your baby is always welcome at LLL meetings. Many Groups have a toy box to help entertain mobile babies and toddlers, but some do not, so please plan to bring quiet activities to occupy your older child(ren) during the meeting.
Can I attend meetings as an expectant parent?
Yes, we encourage pregnant parents to attend a complete four meeting series in preparation for breastfeeding.
What if there are no Groups that meet near me?
Even if you can’t attend meetings, you can still call any LLL Leader for help over the phone. Online help is also available through local Facebook groups and the LLL USA Twitter account.
Do you make home visits?
Some Leaders are able to make home visits, but most cannot. If you need help immediately, and the next LLL meeting in your area is not soon enough, contact a Leader in your area to see if there are any nearby Leaders who will meet with you.